The Bone Knife by Intisar Khanani
Rae knows how to look out for family. Born with a deformed foot, she feigns indifference to the pity and insults that come her way, learning to be wary of all things beautiful. So Rae instantly distrusts their latest visitor: an appallingly attractive faerie whose mere presence imperils the secret her sister guards. But when the local townspeople show up demanding his blood, Rae must find a way to protect both her sister’s secret and their guest. Even if that means risking herself.
This was actually the first of Khanani’s stories that I read – it’s free on Amazon (as of this writing). I’m always intrigued to see how other authors treat faerie, and I was not disappointed. Khanani’s faerie is alien, dangerous, and unpredictable, and the world is richer for it. This is a short story.
This book review originally appeared on C. J. Brightley’s blog.